Suspected Cancer Referrals

A suspected cancer referral can be an overwhelming experience. In the UK, suspected cancer referrals are treated as high priority. This means when cancer is suspected, then there is a faster route to get further tests and specialist advice. The suspected cancer referrals are also known as 2 week wait referrals or target referrals, and you should be seen within 2 weeks of being referred.

More and more people are getting diagnosed with cancer and the earlier we catch it the better the chances are of survival and quality of life. Most people who are referred by their GP on this route will NOT have cancer (9/10) but it is important that if your GP has referred you for this urgent pathway that you do make arrangements to attend.

Please visit the website below for a guide to key questions to ask when you are referred for tests to investigate for cancer, or if you you have already been diagnosed with cancer. The guide is available in both patient and digital formats.